Because of SIPA actions Radončić left hospital on his own responsibility

Abuse of SBB leader continues



Today at 13:30h, the president of the Alliance for a Better Future, Fahrudin Radončić, on his own responsibility, left the Institute for cardiac diseases – Clinic for cardio-surgery of the University clinical centre in Sarajevo (UKCS), said his attorney Dragan Barbarić for "Dnevni avaz".

Barbarić said that he was taken from hospital back to the detention unit of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Tekst na bosanskom jeziku možete pročitati ovdje: Zbog postupaka SIPA-e prema ljekarima, Radončić na vlastitu odgovornost napustio bolnicu 

- It was upon the request of Mr. Radončić that he left the clinic. He refused the proposed diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in order to save the integrity of the team of physicians. Actually, during his stay at clinic, the inspectors of the State Investigation and Protection Agency came on more than one occasion, checked, copied and took Radončić’s medical documentation. According to one of the members of the team of physicians, it is the procedure of unprecedented ferociousness both against Radončić and physicians and hospital staff - Barbarić said.

According to the attorney Barbarić, Radončić was warned that by refusing the proposed medical measures and procedures he may risk his life.

The SBB leader was transferred to UKCS on Wednesday, 9 March, after health issues were found, heart complaint.

The indictment was issued against him before and according to legal experts and the public, it was politically motivated and it refers to the alleged influence on witnesses and obstruction of the work of the judiciary.